Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today I spent my day at work writing and receiving mails. Pretty much this is all I did: read, type, send, read, type, send. By modern standards this was a very productive day, I distributed work all over the place, gave answer to some pending questions, stated my opinion and read what everybody else had to say. I organized some meetings and trips and rescheduled everything that presented a conflict under the criteria of Outlook's calendar. Read, type, send, read, type, send.

So yes, a waste of a day.

While leaving the officeI thought that it would be great to create a virus that automatically inserts a star system type of rating at the end of any mail and the phrase "please help us improve by rating this mail".  The screen would then be blocked until you do the rating, at which point a response mail is automatically generated and sent to the original sender with a text explaining that his score in the last mail he sent has been rated at whichever level, and on the bottom a new request saying "please help us improve by rating this mail"...

If anybody is keen of virus coding, feel free to steal de idea.

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