Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today I had an MRI performed on both my knees. The doctors tell me that I have a lack of cartilage in my joints which explains why my knees make cracking noises every time I bend them. This MRI will help them determine how advanced is the damage and so they can assign proper treatment for this little annoyance, but the interesting thing is that I fell a sleep during the test. For the MRI, what they do is to put you in a nice tight tunnel where you have to rest still for about half an hour (fifteen minutes per knee), they give you wax earplugs and then place in your hand a panic button for in case you get all claustrophobic and wish to be pulled out, then the noises begin. The hammering and static tones are just like taken out from a seventies science fiction movie. If you have a chance google "MRI sounds" and listen to this thing, in a strange way these sounds soothed me out to sleep five minutes after starting on my left knee.

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