Thursday, August 18, 2011

Simply Milo Manara

While on vacation near Cadiz (Spain) I found in a small market a whole bunch of issues that were published by NORMA Editorial in 1999 containing MILO MANARA's work. Issues 9 to 11 cover the full INDIAN SUMMER story, which I bought for a couple of Euros.

Now, this is significant since this story is not only in black and white, but also it has almost no shadows. It is pretty much just virgin line work but at the same time it needs nothing else to be a complete work of art, a masterpiece of story telling.

I am trying to put together my first sequentials, and passing from pencil to line work is as far as I can take my current skills for now. I have done two very short stories and for me they look unfinished, lacking the shades and color, but the Maestro MILO gives me new hope.

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